In a heartwarming turn of events, professional golfer Lexi Thompson has announced her engagement to her longtime boyfriend. Known for her powerful drives and fierce competitiveness...
Tears rolled down Lexi Thompson’s cheek before she could complete her final hole Sunday. Of course, this was more than just the end to an event...
Lexi Thompson, a name synonymous with brilliance and perseverance, continues to solidify her legendary status in the world of golf. From her early beginnings to her...
This season on the LPGA Tour, there were many headlines to follow. From Nelly Korda’s seven victories to Lydia Ko completing the cycle at the Olympics,lots of...
In a career spanning 15 years on the LPGA Tour, there are certain moments that stand out as truly unforgettable. For Lexi Thompson, winning the prestigious...
Several reports reveal that having a pet significantly improves stress and anxiety. So, for a golfer, when a day does not turn out as they expected...
I don’t think there’s anything really for me to prove,” Thompson says. “I’m forever grateful for being able to play golf for a living. But a...
Sunkissed Success: Lexi Thompson’s Most Memorable Beach Shots Lexi Thompson, the dynamic and talented professional golfer, is not only known for her impressive skills on the...
In a moment that resonated with fans and peers alike, Lexi Thompson signed off in grand style, leaving an indelible mark on the golfing world. Her...
Lexi Thompson is set to retire following the conclusion of the season-ending 2024 CME Group Tour Championship. The LPGA Tour superstar took to her Instagram platform...